Ho𝔪еless Dog Fiռds A Stray Kitten On The Streets, Nurses һᴇr & Saves һᴇr Life


When Jacqueline Santiago first saw a snapshot of Pinocchio, she immediately recognized him as unique.

She didn’t know how remarkable the slender little cat with large blue eyes and a snaggletooth was until she saw him.

“Until he came, I couldn’t really see what was wrong with his face,” Santiago, owner of Friends for Life Rescue Network, told The Dodo.

Pinocchio was born with a cranial anomaly that gave him a twisted appearance. He can only consume wet food due to his crooked jaw. In addition, he had a huge umbilical hernia that required surgery. Fortunately, because they have a veterinarian on staff, the organization frequently specializes in special needs cases.

When Santiago met the 4-month-old kitten, he seemed completely unaware that he was any different.

“He was very, very sweet upon first meetings,” Santiago said. “[He] purred right away.”

Pinocchio makes friends with everyone he encounters, including humans and animals, and he couldn’t be more outgoing. “Pinocchio isn’t bashful,” Santiago explained. “He has a lot of self-assurance and meets everyone practically instantly.”

“He rushes up to anybody who enters the room and perches on their shoulder,” she continued. “He loves to play and jump around, and he rubs on you.” He’s a really joyful person who adores everyone, even other cats and dogs.”


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