This Is often Mya The Blend Of Pomerania And Imposing Who Takes after A Fox


This Is often Mya The Blend Of Pomerania And Imposing Who Takes after A Fox


It is in fact, an awesome-looking dog, and this dog is turning quite a few heads with her unique look.

Mya is a “pomsky”, a mix between Pomeranian and husky, but looks more like a beautiful, fiery fox.

It’s her coppery fur and piercing blue eyes that have given her that fox-like quality and have left the internet obsessed with her.

It is in fact, an awesome-looking dog, and this dog is turning quite a few heads with her unique look.

Mya is a “pomsky”, a mix between Pomeranian and husky, but looks more like a beautiful, fiery fox.

It’s her coppery fur and piercing blue eyes that have given her that fox-like quality and have left the internet obsessed with her.

A picture of her recently appeared on Reddit and users instantly fell in love with her bright blue eyes and her Vixen-like appearance.

Here’s some more stunning shots of Mya.


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