An authentic 1970 Pontiac GTO would usually command fantastic prices at classic car auctions. It probably won’t be the case with this derelict example since it was mistaken for years as a regular LeMans. And it also served as target practice.

On the other hand, John was also responsible for the incredible collection of 270+ vehicles left under the Texan sun to gather up dust, rust, and cool stories. Now they’re gathered up under the “Great Texas Mopar Vehicle Hoard Auction” banner and include vehicles from way back in 1937. The dearly regretted John is no more, but his legacy endures, with cars, trucks, engines, toys, parts, literature, and memorabilia that needs “to be seen to be believed.”

Back to the 1970 Pontiac GTO, all we can say is that when Lone Star guys love a different automaker... these things can happen. In a background video (embedded below), Haney shares the fond memories that are tied to the shooting practice days... and even makes a demonstration on the spot! Wow, is this going to increase or decrease the value of the GTO relic at the upcoming auction?!

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