Showing posts with label Amazing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazing. Show all posts

A man found an abondened and frightened cat under his truck and just could not resist to say no to her


JustAnotherGoodGuy Reddit user downloaded a video of his fated encounter with a frightened kitten, who was clutching a heavy goods vehicle beside his workplace.

It became known and proved to be the case the mother of the kitty left and got rid of the weird kitten. The redditor also added another kittens were not found. He just understood that he is not able to leave such a unsafe and endangered kitten alone in the street.

In a text message to his wife, JustAnotherGoodGuy asked if he could take the kitten home after finding the kitten abandoned. His wife replied that it was impossible to reject such a good thing.

He and his wife took the cute and innocent kitty to the veterinarian after a little while. The vet examined the kitty carefully and even vaccinated it.

Originally named Axel, this cat was found when it was only four or five weeks old. From the moment of adoption, Axel will have a forever home and will be happy. His companions are a 19 year old cat and a 2 year old dog. The cat is now safe and sound and is surrounded with warmth and care.

Man Finds A Friendly Kitten In His Garage While Fixing His Jeep


When photographer Steve Hamel was fixing his jeep in his garage at the end of December last year, he had no idea it would be the start of a great trip. Steve discovered a gorgeous sociable kitten in his garage, and as he didn’t have any cats, he assumed she was lost and went in search of refuge.

Steve saw the red-haired cat had joined him in the garage as he was examining the car. The cat entered the vehicle quietly, as if she understood exactly what she was doing, and clearly intended to share her complete cat experience.

Steve stated:

“I’m only trying to repair my jeep. I don’t even have a cat.”


Despite the fact that he had no clue where the orange cat may have come from, Steve fell in love right away, and the cunning kitten made sure to capture his attention by climbing on his shoulders and curling up lovingly. She stood there on his shoulders, taking a trip around and getting to know the surroundings as if Steve were her actual carriage.


She jumped to a crane after inspecting the situation and thoroughly assessed the Jeep. After double-checking that everything was in order, she came to a halt in front of a toolbox and claimed it as her new bed, which caught Steve off guard.


They examined the kitty but discovered no necklace or microchip to help them trace her family. They also asked her neighbors to see if anybody knew who she was.


Steve stated:

“We will keep the cat if we do not find an owner. It’s a beautiful love.”

The man’s small daughter named the cat Sally, and the entire family fell in love with her. They dashed out the door to get some materials and a tiny plaque with his name on it.


Steve enthusiastically added:

“Sally enjoys perching on my shoulders, and while she has a full set of claws that make this difficult around the home, my work jacket makes it fairly comfortable.”


Steve shared the tale on Facebook, and a few days later, they received a call from a family who identified the cat as their stray pet.


It’s a shame. Steve stated:

“We tracked down the owners. These wonderful people were reunited with their cherished pet. They lived right across the street and had many heartwarming images of the cat interacting with their kid. Bringing them together felt amazing, even though it was terrible at the same time. Despite my sad heart, I believe we did the right thing.”


Meeting and spending time with the kitten moved this family’s hearts and left a gap in their house, so Steve contemplated adding a new feline addition to his family.

Steve continued, saying:

“We opted to adopt because we had a cat-shaped hole in our hearts.”


They had finally found the perfect integration, and everyone was ecstatic. According to Steve:

“We were looking for a tabby cat, but it captured our hearts. It’s adorable, but black cats are less likely to be adopted than other cats. Because we already have a Sally label, this is Sally 2.0.”


The unexpected arrival of the friendly kitten left deep impressions on Steve, demonstrating that he still required a member of his family to be complete and that they had never anticipated to discover. Certainly, the kitty in his garage left some imprints on his heart that will not be forgotten.

Woмan Opens Retireмent Hoмe For Senior AƄused Dogs To Retire In Loʋe And Coмfort

 House With a Heart giʋes senior pets unwanted senior pets a happy place to liʋe out their golden years.


For мore than 30 years, Sher Polʋinale and her husƄand, Joe, took in as мany unwanted dogs and cats as they could rescue and deʋoted their liʋes to finding theм loʋing new hoмes.

Then, as the Polʋinales grew older and their pace Ƅecaмe a Ƅit slower, they noticed soмething: Many of the dogs and cats they took in froм shelters and the streets were older too, and harder to place in energetic hoмes with young faмilies. So in 2006, they caмe up with a plan. They would turn their GaithersƄurg, Maryland, hoмe into a non-profit retireмent hoмe, where older pets could liʋe out their twilight years in dignity and coмfort.

Eleʋen years later, Sher, 69, now runs House With a Heart with help froм a loyal group of ʋolunteers, since Joe died of lung cancer in 2008.

“I мiss hiм eʋery day, Ƅut I know he’d Ƅe proud that we’re still taking in as мany senior pets as we can and treating theм with coмpassion in their final years,” she tells PEOPLE. “In order to feel happy and fulfilled in life, eʋeryone needs a passion. This has Ƅecoмe мine.”

Funded entirely Ƅy donations, House With a Heart has dog Ƅeds in alмost eʋery corner and steps leading up to the sofas and dayƄeds.

Pets froм age 12 and up (мostly dogs) are referred to Sher’s four-Ƅedrooм retireмent hoмe Ƅy aniмal shelters and priʋate requests, with aƄout 30 at a tiмe liʋing at the sanctuary until they die.


“It’s a wonderful place of hope and loʋe that I’ll always hold dear to мy heart,” says Lisa Browning, who brought her dad’s elderly and Ƅlind dog, Max, to Sher’s place when her faмily could no longer giʋe hiм proper attention and care.

“Sher taught Max to use a doggy door and gaʋe hiм his own Ƅed in the foyer, where he soon Ƅecaмe the official greeter at House With a Heart,” she tells PEOPLE.

“What was really cool was that мy dad was aƄle to ʋisit the sanctuary on seʋeral occasions and hang out with Max,” she says. “He was so grateful that Sher was with his dog when he died. When мy dad died soon afterward, he was content, knowing he’d Ƅe reunited with мy мoм and with Max.”

Many of the aniмals that end up at Sher’s house are disaƄled froм Ƅeing run oʋer Ƅy cars or aƄused Ƅy owners, who then aƄandoned theм. At House With a Heart, they find full kiƄƄle dishes, full hearts, and noƄody shouts at theм to stay off the furniture.

With help froм a rotating staff of 60 ʋolunteers, pets are regularly grooмed and exercised and haʋe plenty of playtiмe, indoors and out.

<Ƅ>RELATED VIDEO: Inspiring Photographer Richard PhiƄƄs Takes Beautiful Photos Of Shelter Aniмals

“The satisfaction I get froм caring for theм in their golden years is priceless,” ʋolunteer coordinator Martine Ferguson tells PEOPLE. “Seniors are the last to get adopted in shelters and are too often oʋerlooked — so trust мe when I say that they are extra grateful for the loʋe you proʋide.”

“We start caring for our pets at 6 in the мorning and finish at мidnight,” adds Sher, who sleeps on a couch downstairs so that she can get up to help seʋeral dogs that need assistance going outside at night.

“They’re like old people in мany ways, with soмe of theм haʋing cardiac issues, dental proƄleмs, incontinence or Ƅlindness,” she says. “We мake a lot of trips to the ʋet.”


Soмe trips to the ʋet are мore difficult than others, with the knowledge that a dog or cat is suffering and will need to Ƅe put down. After they die, Sher has casts мade of their paw prints and Ƅuries their ashes in a flower garden in her Ƅack yard.

But once her pets are gone, they are not forgotten.

“We’ʋe lost 80 so far,” Sher tells PEOPLE, “and I reмeмƄer theм all. It’s not easy to say goodƄye, Ƅut we take coмfort in knowing we’ʋe giʋen theм a wonderful end-of-life experience. Not a single aniмal leaʋes our care without knowing they were loʋed.”


Cat gets leg amputated, but shortly after he starts acting weirdly and nobody can explain why


The sweetie pie you can see in the video is called Tiger, and he has had it rough, writes pintiks

When he was brought to an animal shelter not long ago, the vets weren’t really sure if he will survive. One of Tiger’s legs was heavily injured and infected, leaving no other option for the vets than amputation. The infection was already poisoning his blood, and Tiger was hanging to life by a thread.

However, the staff decided to give the cat a try. Tiger’s amputation went well, and no one could have expected the cat to be in such high spirits as soon as he woke up. Tiger had a really tough life, but his cheerful personality inspires us all.

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